Our Pouchong is grown in the Fujian Province, just outside of the Wuyi Mountains. The farm is located on sunbaked land that is mostly mountainous and is traditionally described to be "Eight parts mountain, one part water, and one part farmland.” That’s how we get a tea leaf with...
This particular Darjeeling is known as an Autumnal Darjeeling from the famous Makaibari Tea Farm. The owners actually live on the farm and provide for over 600 families. In 1971, Makaibari decided to move to a “beyond organic” approach that believes the sum is greater than the parts. This...
These six organic herbs have been used historically in Ayurvedic and Eastern medicine for years. Here is a quick rundown on each herb:
Our Dragon Well is grown and hand plucked in Zhejiang Province, China, before the mid-April rainy season. The tea is then sent to a special area in Hangzhou that specializes in roasting and drying Dragon Well teas. The leaves are hand roasted in giant woks giving them their characteristic...
This blend starts with three distinct Indian teas. First, we chose an Assam tea that borders the Brahmaputra River. This particular farm is especially affected by the monsoon season where the temperature rises to over 100 degrees, which creates a greenhouse effect that brings out the famous malty, full-bodied...
Some teas are just so good there is no reason to blend them. This is why we chose the Kenilworth Tea Garden for our French Breakfast. The Kenilworth Tea Garden is one of the most well-known and prestigious tea gardens in Sri Lanka. It is located in the Nuwara...
Just like many of the worlds' greatest foods, Genmaicha was created so that the Japanese working class could afford tea. People would add toasted brown rice (which was cheap and plentiful) to whatever green tea they could afford to buy. What they created was almost a fusion of flavors...
Like most authentic Irish Breakfast teas, ours is 100% Assam. In fact, we chose two of the most esteemed tea farms in the region. The first is the small, family run Tonganagaon Tea Estate, which is found in the Eastern Assam Valley right next to the Namdapha National Reserve....
The green tea used for our Jasmine Pearls is sourced from an organic tea farm located outside Ningde City in Fujian Province, China. This particular garden lies between several mountain ranges and is naturally nourished by 24 intersecting streams and rivers. Because of this, the area is constantly surrounded...
We use the finest grade Yin Hao Jasmine. The tea base is full of sweet silver tea tips giving the tea extra character and complexity. Grown in the Fujian Province, the green tea is plucked early in spring when the leaves are fresh and tender. We then quickly dry...
Our Keemun is a Hao Ya grade and comes from Qimen County in Anhui Province in Eastern China. The farm is located on stumpy hills between the Yangtze River and Yellow Mountains. After the leaves are plucked in early May, they undergo a long withering (oxidation) process of four...
Our Lapsang Souchong comes from the Wuyi Mountains in the Northern Fujian Province in China. With such a unique flavor, it is not surprising that the rumored discovery of this tea was by accident. During the Qing Dynasty, an army was passing through a tea farm and camped there...
We use a Yunnan as the Black Tea base for Madagascar due to the fact it compliments that natural creaminess of the vanilla bean perfectly. This particular Yunnan is from the high mountains of Zhenyuan in the Simao Prefecture, China. These mountains provide a thick mist that condenses the...
One of the keys to a good Masala Chai is to have a strong tea base. That is why we chose a small cut leaf from the Doomni Farm in the Baksa District of Assam, India. This particular Assam is grown along the Brahmaputra River and has a pronounced,...
Our gunpowder tea comes from the Zhejiang Province in China. The leaves are plucked in late summer allowing them to mature in flavor and give it its characteristic smoky flavor. The leaves are fired for an extended period of time in a hot oven until they become dark green...
Our Rooibos is grown in the mountainous region of Cederberg, South Africa. The leaves are harvested during the peak of summer into early fall. In the morning, the farmers will hand cut the rooibos branches and send them to be processed. While being processed, the branches are sprinkled with...
Our Pu-erh is grown in ancient forests in the mountains of Yunnan Province, China. The farm is located around the tropical region of Xishuangbanna just to the North of the mighty Mekong River. This Pu-erh is a Shu (or cooked) Pu-erh that has been aged for over five years....
A handpicked Sencha from the Kagoshima, Kyushu located in the Southwest region of Japan. Due to its location in Southern Japan, this region enjoys warmer temperatures throughout the year allowing for an earlier spring and crop harvest. The soil for this farm is located near volcanoes giving it a...
The tea farm we chose for Sinharaja is situated near Ratnapura, the fabled ‘City of Gems,’ in the heart of the low country planting district of Sri Lanka. The factory is perched on a hill overlooking the world famous Sinharaja rainforest. The rainforest provides tons of nutrients to the...
Our Tie Guan Yin is a mountain grown tea from the Fujian Province in China. The farm is nestled in a remote location between mountains, which provides it protection from pollution and any pesticides that other farms may use. This particular farm uses only organic fertilizer that does not...
The first thing that sets our Earl Grey apart is the fact that we use 100% bergamot oil that is only found in Southern Italy. Most use a weird flavoring that can’t compare to the real thing. Next, we actually use the peel of the bergamot fruit (which is...
This tea is pretty simple. We combine bourbon vanilla beans from Madagascar with handcrafted jasmine tea from China. The bourbon vanilla bean is the most popular variety in the world. The flavor actually has nothing to do with bourbon. It was named so because it is grown on Bourbon...
Our Vanilla Mint is a combination of real vanilla bean, vibrant mint leaves, Chinese Yunnan black tea and Chinese green gunpowder tea. The vanilla bean we chose for this blend was a bourbon vanilla out of Madagascar, a large island off the coast of Africa. Our spearmint comes from...
Here is a quick guide to how many cups of brewed tea each of our serving sizes makes.
If you would like to know more about how we came up with these calculations plus how to figure out cost per serving check out this article.