the rarest teas delivered monthly

sign up today to taste teas no one else has access to

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The Insider Tea Club gives a few select people the rare chance of drinking the absolute best teas in the world. By joining this Club, you will have the rare opportunity to cherry pick the finest teas just like the insiders of tea business do.


Processing insider tea is an art form. Each tea is hand plucked and hand processed by true craftsmen of the tea world. The knowledge is kept secret and passed down from generation to generation. It is this knowledge that helps produce teas with unbelievable quality and flavor.

  • This is the best tea I have ever had. This tea has an amazing aroma, dry right out of the container. It has a beautiful hue. Once you have made a cup, the aroma of the steeped leaves is still of full smoky potency.

    TeaConvert - Golden Bi Lo
  • Pale greenish yellow. Slightly floral. Gorgeously present mouthfeel. Buttery. nutty. My little $20 a month spurge is making me feel like a millionaire! An INSIDER millionaire! ;)

    JacquelineM – Phoenix Mountain Oolong
  • This is the best tea I have ever had. This tea has an amazing aroma, dry right out of the container. It has a beautiful hue. Once you have made a cup, the aroma of the steeped leaves is still of full smoky potency.

    Cinoi – Snow Dragon
  • Hello Marcus, Yes I did receive this tea yesterday and I can tell you that it is a REALLY good Oolong, I have been drinking this tea for years and I can honestly say that YOUR TEA WAS RIGHT UP THERE WITH A TEA THAT I GOT AWHILE BACK. Yes, you were right...again, I said it ....YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!!!

    Marvin – Oriental Beauty Oolong
  • I love this. I absolutely love this. If for some reason I could only have one black tea for the rest of my life, I would probably choose this. Yes, it’s that good. The aroma is amazing, the flavor is sublime. I am mesmerized by how good this tea is. SO GOOD!

    LiberTEAS – Honey Orchid Special Reserve


  • 7 servings of tea (The perfect amount to keep your cabinets from overflowing)
  • Each tea is packed in an airtight and moisture proof container (To keep your tea as fresh as possible)
  • Specific notes on the proper water temperature, steep time and teapot to use for each tea
  • Due to the extreme rarity of these teas, we don't have the luxury of deciding on which types of teas we will carry.


  • Any Flavored or Scented Teas
  • Anything resembling a teabag
  • Any gadgets used to make a "quick cup of tea"
  • The ability to skip a shipment. Because there is a waiting list, it would be unfair to those who are waiting to gain membership into the Club. You are welcome to stop your membership, but unfortunately you would then go to the "back of the line."


6 Month Tea Club


12 Month Tea Club


Save $10
Loose Tea Serving Size Guide

Here is a quick guide to how many cups of brewed tea each of our serving sizes makes.

If you would like to know more about how we came up with these calculations plus how to figure out cost per serving check out this article.